Trust, not technology, bonds patients and providers

“At Johnson & Johnson Impact Ventures (J&J Impact Ventures), a fund within the Johnson & Johnson Foundation, we are committed to transforming health systems and driving equitable healthcare by not just investing in a technology, service or delivery mechanism, but also the people behind them who have demonstrated interest and commitment to building trust into their market-driven solutions. This is key to our investment philosophy and why we put capital behind enterprises like Penda Health and work with organizations like Village Capital to fund projects that strengthen patient trust.

Penda Health is a tech-enabled network of health facilities across three counties (Nairobi, Kiambu & Kajiado) in Kenya and led by Stephanie Koczela, a passionate entrepreneur who puts patients at the heart of their mission. As a signatory of the Ethical Principles in Health Care (EPiHC), Penda Health has adopted 10 fundamental principles designed to promote ethical decision-making and behaviours that build transparent, trustworthy and resilient health systems. It has become one of the largest outpatient health care providers in East Africa, owing in large part to their focus on relationships. Their success stands upon a foundation of trust they have built externally with their stakeholders in the health sector and internally with staff at their facilities.”



Grace Health in strategic partnership with Penda Health to secure instant access to health services in Kenya