How to stay warm and avoid catching a cold

​If you thought the cold season in Nairobi was over, then the last two weeks have probably caught you unawares. Nairobi’s biting cold is set to continue for a few more weeks. So how do you keep warm and healthy during this season? How can you avoid catching a cold? At Penda, we want you and your family to be healthy all year round. Today we teach you how to stay warm and healthy this season.

How do I keep warm and healthy?

Invest in warm, flexible clothes.

​Nairobi’s weather is very unpredictable. You leave your house when it is warm and one hour later, the sun disappears and you are left freezing. So what you need is a set of warm clothes that you can easily shed off when it gets warmer. Carry a thick shawl or leso in your bag that you can drape over you when it gets cold. Scarves and ankle socks also come in handy so invest in some and carry them wherever you go. For men, a good coat is a must. Wear a sweater underneath for the really cold days. If it gets warmer, you will simply remove the coat and hang it over a chair. 

Get heavy curtains.

​The fabric you choose for your curtains determines whether your house will be warm or cold. Lighter fabrics let in more air, while the heavier ones act as insulation against the cold. Next time, you go shopping for curtain fabric at Eastleigh or River road, don’t just look at the color and patterns, look at how heavy it is as well. You can also get some good quality curtains at Gikomba market. And when the sun comes out, open them and let the sunlight fill the room.

Carpet your house.

​Your feet are usually colder than the rest of your body. During the cold season, they may even get numb from all the cold. Apart from wearing socks, the best way of keeping your feet warm is walking on carpet. Invest in a good affordable carpet and keep your feet protected during this cold season.


Drink warm fluids.

​Now is the time to take as much chai as possible. Hot drinks not only warm you, but they also have a soothing effect making the cold day even brighter. Invest in a small portable flask and carry your tea or uji to work with you.

Shower with cool water.

​Contrary to what you probably believe, cold showers do not make you feel more cold. When the cold water hits your body, your blood begins to circulate faster therefore distributing heat evenly throughout the body. It may help you regain normal body temperature faster than hot water. Skip cold showers if you have a blocked nose, asthma and other respiratory conditions because it may make these conditions worse.

Eat hot meals.

​Your body is spending a lot of your energy reserves to warm up your body. That is why you feel hungrier when it is cold. Replenish these reserves by eating small regular meals. Prepare a hot meal as often as possible. The best foods to keep you warm are soups and cereals.

How do I avoid getting a cold?


Wash your hands.

​Throughout the day, you are going to shake many people’s hands, touch many surfaces and share small items with other people. People spread the flu virus by leaving the germs on surfaces. Therefore, washing your hands as often as possible is an effective way to avoid catching a cold.

Clean your phone.

​We are all addicted to our phones. We take them everywhere, some people even to the toilet. So our phones pick up all manner of germs every day. Some of the germs your phone carries may be flu virus. Since we place them so close to our noses and mouths, we are likely to get infected by them. Clean your phone at least twice weekly.

Eat citrus fruits.

If your immunity is low, you will get cold episodes frequently. One way to avoid these episodes is to build a strong immunity. One good way to do so is to eat plenty of citrus fruits. Citrus fruits are loaded with vitamin C which help your immune system fight off the cold-causing virus. There are also various supplements that can also boost your immunity. Visit us at Penda Health today to learn more about how you can boost your immunity.


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